Stable Unit is the protocol behind USDPro, an over-collateralized stablecoin using the CDP model brought by MakerDAO (DAI) and battle-tested for years.
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Stable Unit is the protocol behind USDPro, an over-collateralized stablecoin using the CDP model brought by MakerDAO (DAI) and battle-tested for years.
Last updated
At the core of the StableUnit protocol, there is an over-collateralized stablecoin, USDPro, which was made based on the battle-tested Collateral Debt Position (CDP) model of MakerDAO, where the floor price is guaranteed by large amounts of assets in the collateral.
Read more about the CDP model
Note that the MakerDAO CDP model has withstood the MakerDAO crash of 2018, and has never been exploited or led to the loss of users' funds in DAI.